Forgive the Church for building our own kingdoms rather than Yours – for “judgment begins at the house of God” (I Peter 4:17).
Forgive us for allowing ourselves to be a debtor nation to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars. By not putting You first, we are not the head but the tail of nations borrowing money from our adversaries (Deut. 28:49).
Forgive us for being a nation that values sports and sex over values that matters most; and then even attempting to “educate” our children in these perverse ways.
Forgive us that what was wrong to begin with, “rare, safe and legal abortions,” has led to tens of millions of our precious unborn children to be deemed as throwaways.
Forgive us for open borders for the sake of political gain and for not supporting those who protect our land.
Forgive us also for having an appetite for drugs such that fentanyl and other drugs flow through our streets killing thousands of our young each year.
Forgive us for allowing violence in our cities for we “acquit the guilty and condemn the innocent; both are detestable to the LORD” (Prov. 17:15).
Forgive us for our corporate greed as we sacrifice our families and hard-working laborers for the sake of the almighty dollar.
Forgive us for valuing possessions, positions, and pleasures over God and people.
Forgive our leaders for desiring personal gain, getting rich while in office at the expense of serving those who elected them.
Forgive us for jettisoning You, our God, for thinking we know better. For a nation who, “forgets that we were a nation under God, then will soon be a nation gone under” (Ronald Reagan) without serious repentance.
God, convict us of our wayward ways; create in us clean hearts of repentance desiring the God who made our nation great in the first place.
May we as a nation take you at your word. “’Return to me,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will return to you’” (Zech. 1:3).