
The 1776 Prayer Project

The 1776 Prayer Project

To get 1776 people to commit to praying consistently for America.*
Take time each day as the Lord leads us to pray for our nation.
Our nation to be a “shining city on a hill” again. 
Repentance and returning to God as our forefathers did. 
Healing and restoration of our land. 
Godly Leadership=That God would bring “those of His will” to lead our nation. (Proverbs 28:2)
Washington’s Prophetic Words=“that the blessings of God could never remain on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained.”
(Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789)
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 
2 Chronicles 7:14
“…Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you…” 
Zechariah 1:3
“Only God’s character and nature are unchanging. His decisions are not.” (Andrew van der Bijl, founder of Open Doors)
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” 
Matthew 7:7
“If your vision doesn’t scare you, then your vision
or your God is too small”
(Andrew van der Bijl, founder of Open Doors)
A nation’s problems cannot be solved politically but rather spiritually and morally.
If you are willing to commit to regularly praying for America, CLICK HERE!
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…”
Ephesians 3:20
*We are encouraging people to pray for 1630 days believing God will heal our nation and allow America to be a beacon for Him across the world.
In the year 1630, John Winthrop had a vision of people coming into the New World “for the will and purposes of God” to form a unique civilization that all nations would see as a shining “city upon a hill.”
(John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity)

The Story Behind 1776

Recently our Bible Fellowship Group (West End Baptist Church, Rock Hill, SC) has been studying an amazing book by Jonathan Cahn called Harbinger II. This book details how America’s current path in history eerily parallels that of ancient Israel. Both were founded upon God and His principles but then steadily walked away from their roots and even warred against God. Various calamities occurred as a result, but ancient Israel never truly returned to God, which led to its demise.
For America, as it was in the case of ancient Israel, God holds the door open for a return to our historical roots and His blessings again. (Deut. 31)  Despite the many tragedies that have rocked our nation in past years, America as a nation has continued to walk further away from God. The question now is:  Will America return to its foundation in God and be a nation as blessed as it has been before, or will we continue on a path away from God?
Our Bible Fellowship Group like many more “pockets” around America, is involved with great prayer over our nation’s problems and seeming decline. Unstemmed inflation, a sluggish economy, social unrest, military vulnerability, and a discouraged populace are easily seen among other worries. Perhaps most alarming is that we are divided as a nation.  Amazingly, though, a study of American history tells us that we are not doomed by fate. In fact, history records how the turning points of the Civil War (Lincoln’s Proclamation 97 National Day of Prayer) and WW 2 (FDR’s D-Day Continuance of Prayer ), among other examples, were a direct result of prayer!
The Scriptures tell us that believers in Christ “don’t wage war as humans do, instead, we use God’s mighty weapons.” (II Cor. 10:3-4) I am afraid that I have forfeited too many opportunities to constructively discuss how to improve our nation’s condition by arguing politics. Thus, I was merely “waging war as humans do.” One of God’s “mighty weapons” is the privilege of taking our concerns directly to God in prayer. God put on my mind the idea of what might happen if instead of separate “pockets” of people praying over America we had a larger unified movement of prayer. We are told “the prayers of righteous people have great power and produce wonderful results.” (James 3:16) 
God clearly gave me two numbers for starting points. First, the number 1776, the year of our nation’s birth, and secondly, the number 1630. In the year 1630 John Winthrop envisioned a civilization that would be a shining “city on a hill” (Matt. 5:14) that would be so blessed if they just followed God and his principles. (Deut. 28) What would happen if 1776 people who love God and America took time to pray heartily for 1630 continuous days? Would God transform our nation again? Let’s pray until something happens. (PUSH, Jurgen Matthesius) Will you take this challenge to pray and seek God’s face for America? It is time to pray!
Tip Frank Ed.S., LPC

Tip Frank Ed.S., LPC

Bible Fellowship Group Leader

Tip Frank Ed.S., LPC

Tip Frank Ed.S., LPC

Bible Fellowship Group Leader

“I have been blessed to hear of The 1776 Prayer Project as its aim and purpose are crucial for the future of this nation. The only hope America has is for repentance, return, and revival. There is no other hope. Therefore I encourage all to take part in praying for revival as never before according 2 Chronicles 7:14, and endorse the aim and purpose of this important project.

Johnathan Cahn